Chokomousse, fed og proteinrig

Chocolate mousse, fat and rich in protein

Chocolate mousse, 6 portions

The calorie and protein content is high in this recipe and the recipe is therefore very suitable for picky eaters who need extra nutrition in a small portion of food.
Each portion provides 11 g of protein and thus provides a nice supplement of proteins as a supplement to the rest of the diet.

The recipe uses Adozan HøjProtein or Adozan Protein +Hot , but you can easily replace it with Adozan Cold/Warm or Adozan KiloPlus if you want a lower content of proteins and a higher content of fat.


90 g of chocolate
40 g Adozan High Protein or Adozan Protein +Hot
2 dl whipping cream
4 egg yolks, pasteurized
3 tbsp. sugar
1 tbsp. orange juice or orange juice
1 dl whipping cream

Course of action

  1. Add 2 dl of cream to Adozan and whip to a foam
  2. Melt the chocolate over a water bath.
  3. Beat egg yolks with sugar and add the chocolate while stirring
  4. When the chocolate mousse has cooled to approx. 25 degrees, carefully fold in the whipped cream.
  5. Pour the chocolate mousse into serving glasses or into a large bowl and refrigerate the mousse for at least 1 hour.
  6. Garnish with whipped cream and possibly chocolate shavings

Nutritional content

Nutritional content per PCS .
Energy: 1490 KJ/355 kcal, 11 g protein, 13 g carbohydrate, 29 g fat

Nutritional content per 100 g
Energy: 1579 KJ/375 kcal, 11 g (12 E%) protein, 14 g (16 E%) carbohydrate, 31 g (72 E%) fat