When the body demands more than the appetite can handle


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With lots of recipes and the story behind Adozan

Adozan - Sanacare Nutrition Aps

Adozan powder & concentrate

Add directly to drinks and food

Adozan is available as a powder, as a liquid protein concentrate and as delicious dessert chocolates.

Proteins for food & drink

Need extra protein?

You get extra protein from the products P-Boost, Adozan Protein+ or Adozan protein+Hot. 100% protein energy

Worth knowing

About Adozan protein & calorie powder

Datablade for alle produkter

Datasheets for Adozan products

Proteiner og proteinkvalitet

Proteins and protein quality

Protein needs Proteins are the body's LEGO bricks. Proteins build cells, tissues, hormones, antibodies and enzymes and they are indispensable for maintaining muscle and bone mass and thus functi...
Har du svært ved at tygge og synke?

Do you have difficulty chewing and swallowing?

What is dysphagia? Dysphagia is the medical term for symptoms related to difficulty swallowing, pain when swallowing and difficult passage of food and drink in the throat and esophagus. Upper...