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Datasheets for Adozan products

Proteiner og proteinkvalitet

Proteins and protein quality

Protein needs Proteins are the body's LEGO bricks. Proteins build cells, tissues, hormones, antibodies and enzymes and they are indispensable for maintaining muscle and bone mass and thus functi...
Har du svært ved at tygge og synke?

Do you have difficulty chewing and swallowing?

What is dysphagia? Dysphagia is the medical term for symptoms related to difficulty swallowing, pain when swallowing and difficult passage of food and drink in the throat and esophagus. Upper...
Adozan varianter

Which Adozan variant should I choose?

Help to choose the right Adozan Adozan is available in several variants, and here you will find help in choosing the right product. The most important are: What do YOU ​​need? Th...
Sådan bruger du Adozan

How to use Adozan

Adozan is stirred into food and drink during cooking or when the dish is finished. It doesn't get any easier... If it is a cup of yogurt, you simply stir Adozan into the yogurt. The powd...
Syge har behov for ekstra næring

Sick people need extra nutrition

Illness can cause rapid unintentional weight loss If you are ill, you may experience drastic weight loss without having tried to lose weight yourself. Unintentional weight loss most often occ...
Næringsindhold og dosering

Nutritional content and dosage

Measurements, weight, nutritional content and dosage Dosage Indicative dosage to achieve taste-neutral enrichment with Adozan: 10 g of powder per 125 ml of food or drink 15 ml of P-boost for 1...
Ægtepar med forskellige næringsbehov

Married couples with different nutritional needs

When married couples have different nutritional needs The passage of years affects us individually, and along the way you may find that you and your partner have different nutritional needs. Ei...
Adozan sortiment

Adozan assortment

Adozan assortment Adozan is for you who need more nutrition than the appetite is sufficient for. Which Adozan product you should choose depends on whether you want to increase ...